2006 was also a great time.  We parked the H2 and trailer in Custer, South Dakota and made a big loop through the Black Hills, Billings, Bear Tooth Highway, Cody Wyoming, Yellowstone, The Tetons, and Glacier National Park.  One day we went over the continental divide 5 times in different places.  We also either went in or out of every gate of Yellowstone National Park.

Mount Rushmore.

Wild beasts along side the road.
George from the side.
Sylvan Lake.  Look for this lake at the end
National Treasure Book of Secrets.

Kathi riding the big HD (sort of).
One of the many tunnels in the Black Hills.
Going through the tunnel by Cody Wyoming.
Heading west towards the East Gate of Yellowstone.
Cody Lake is on the left.

The HD store in Red Lodge, Montana.
Somewheres along the Bear Tooth Highway.
Along the Bear Tooth.
Up on top at of the Bear Tooth.

Riding in Teton National Park.  This is
one of my all time favorite pictures.
Our Favorite Mexican restaurant in Cody, Wyoming.

Big moose in Swift Current Lake in Glacier National Park.
Along the Nez Pierce Highway in Wyoming.
If you click and look close by the tree in the top
right you can see my parents.
Sunset over the Teton Range.
The Tetons in the morning.
Many Glacier Inn.
Boat ride across Swift Current Lake.
Many Glacier Inn.

Cemetery at Little Big Horn battlefield.
The Tetons.